Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Members: A contemporary melting pot

Photo Credit: Dwayne Steward

Statistics say this group is needed. Professionals say this group is needed. But what do those in the "community" think? Those who face the adversities of this "dual identity"speak out.

Photo Credit: Submission

Evan Robinson
Title: President
Year and Major: Sophomore, Social Work and Business Administration
Hometown: Columbus

"With the small number of us that do exist on campus we needed to find each other. It's our only true support system. We need to build awareness in both the black and gay community...we all need to work together...we're all oppressed and marginalized."

Photo Credit: Dwayne Steward

Esther Banks
Vice President
Sophomore, Engineering

"On this campus, when you go to LGBT groups you're gonna be that one black person, and when you go to minority groups you're just another one of the crowd. When I heard about this group starting I immediately knew that's where I needed to be...I'm just so blessed to have a lot of understanding people around me."

Photo Credit: Submission

Chantelle Fullerton
Senior, Sociology-Criminology and Psychology

"It's a constant feeling of being torn. The black community is pulling you in one direction and the gay community in the other. The true understanding is just nonexistent. It's important to have this group here because of the huge lack of numbers in both communities. Being this big of a minority is just hard and it's important to have someone to relate to."

Photo Credit: Dwayne Steward

Micah Brown
Sophomore, Journalism

"I'm apart of something that's bigger then me...it's a group of people that genuinely care...it's beyond the fact that we're gay, it's much deeper."

Photo Credit: Submission

Dwayne Steward
PR and Community Service
Senior, Journalism

"All my life I've been taught that being gay is a curse, that something was wrong with me. It kept me in the closet for a long time. When I found SHADES I found my self-worth. This group has taught me that being myself isn't a curse, it's a blessing."

Photo Credit: Dwayne Steward

Chris Crosby
Sophomore, Undecided

"I'm in SHADES because it means I won't have to be alone anymore...they've become my family. I no longer have to hide."


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